Areas of Practice

Transactions: Contracts and policies you can count on to protect and grow your business

Corporate: Manage the interests of founders, investors, employees, and contractors

Privacy: Handle data flows, rights, and access

Blockchain: Navigate a new environment

Business Strategy: Set yourself up for long term success

Learn More.


Our Pitch

It’s generally impossible to tell upon meeting an attorney (much less reviewing their website), whether s/he is a good attorney. Further, the attorneys you can count on to be good are both overworked (and less responsive) as well as charging rates in excess of what even successful companies find too burdonsome.

What we offer is simple: your go-to attorney. Watkins Legal is expert at contract drafting, review, and negotiation as well as corporate and fundraising matters. What we can’t handle, we’ll be honest about and identify a subject-matter expert attorney to assist you with that specialty matter.

When you have a problem, a need for quick legal advice, or just a legal partner who is familiar with your business and can provide strategic advice, we are here for you. By leveraging technology resources ourselves, we are able to maintain a highly competitive rate without loss in quality. We are confident that at this rate for the types of services, for the responsiveness, and for sophistication we offer, you and your business can build with us a deep, easy-going, and reliable attorney-client relationship.


A Few of Our Clients


We work with a variety of clients who are all driven to grow a successful, secure, and stable business in a digital world.



As a growing tech startup that’s raised outside capital, having Kurt on our team has proven invaluable time and again. With Kurt overseeing our corporate contracts, we can focus on building and running the company.

Paul Sieradzki and Petra Wood I CEO + COO I R3 Printing, Inc.


Contact Us

We at Watkins Legal know that finding the right attorney to represent you is a difficult choice, not least of which is because there is no objective metric to determine which attorney is right for you.

That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.


Los Angeles

9415 Culver Blvd.
Ste. 303
Culver City, CA 90232


33 W. 19th Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10011


Office hours

Monday - Friday
10:00AM - 8:00PM

Saturday - Sunday
2:00PM - 5:00PM

Kurt Watkins
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
— Will Rogers